I had mixed feelings on the vinyl lined hardtop that this model firebird came factory with but I decided to remove it.
Everyone has their own preference. In my option, I didn’t like it because:
  • it didn’t look modern
  • it looked like a faux convertible that was trying to be something it wasn’t
  • it was more prone to rust at the bottom chrome trim pieces that bolted through the rear quarter panels and sheet metal panel next to the trunk

However one reason I did like the vinyl top is because the black contrast in color really looks good with the body paint color I’ll be changing it to: dark gray or dark silver. I just wish it was a convertible because that it a great color scheme

  • The vinyl hardtop was removed several years ago with the use of a scraper. Then Removing the adhesive that was left over from the vinyl was quite a pain to deal with.
    I first tried using my orbital sander but didn’t work too great. I tried using lacquer thinner and adhesive remover but I found just using a wire wheel on a grinder was a better route.
    If you know a better way, leave a comment below


    I eventually got it all off. I did it in 3 sections on 3 separate days to give my hands a rest .
    After cleaning it all off, I found 2 large dents or bows down near the back. It’s hard to tell from the picture but they were rather large. I tried to hammer them up a little but was difficult and there was not a lot of space inside to hit it. So onto body putty with these