Rear bumper: Restoring and assembling

June 22nd, 2024|0 Comments

The rear chrome bumper is surprisingly affordable to purchase online. It doesn’t even make sense to have it rechromed. My original rear bumper did not look too bad on the outside except you can see [...]

Front Bumper: Update and assembling

June 19th, 2024|0 Comments

I started to install the front bumper and check if I need to align the fenders for it to fit well. The old bumper bolts were rusted so I had to await for the new [...]

Fender Emblems: Drilling holes & Install

June 17th, 2024|0 Comments

The driver side fender was original but the since the passenger side fender was replaced with a new aftermarket , it did not have the emblem holes pre-drilled. To make sure it matched the other [...]

Rear Spoiler Installation

June 16th, 2024|0 Comments

Some people will not like the idea of installing a rear spoiler on the 68 firebird because they didn’t produce them at the factory but in my opinion there isn’t enough character in the rear [...]

Buffing finished paint job on whole car

June 14th, 2024|0 Comments

Today I finished sanding and buffing the whole car. Pictures are below. I over buffed some areas so be sure to not overdo it. Using a paint thickness gauge would probably be a good idea.

Gas pedal weld fix

May 24th, 2024|0 Comments

After moving the car out of the garage so the primer could bake in the sun, the gas pedal broke at the weld. This happened one other time and I only put a light tack [...]