Several years ago, I applied a few coats of body filler over the welds on both of the rear quarter panels. I had thought it was roughed in but I was way wrong. The body putty needed to be filled in wider and several coats more, with back and forth sanding with the long flexible block.

You need a long flexible block so that it bends to the curvature of the quarter panels. The vertical curve that lead up along the rear and back seat window required something different so I tried using the foam cylinder-like tube as a sanding block. It worked surprisingly well by bending a long piece of sandpaper over it to sand these curves with. The foam tube is used as insulation around water pipes.

They make autobody long sanding pads for these type of curves but I found this laying around to use. You could probably use those swimming pool noodles also.




The hardtop body putty filled continues for the dents on both sides of the car.